Suggested winter distance track training:
Week 1:
Mon: 3 miles as you feel; 6 x strides
Tues: 3 miles recovery; 8 x strides
Wed: 2 miles easy; weights/circuit
Thurs: 3 miles as you feel; 6 x strides
Fri: 2 miles easy; weights/circuit
Sat: 5 miles long run, steady, continuous pace
Sun: Rest
Total mileage: 19
Week 2:
Mon: 4 miles as you feel; 8 x strides
Tues: 3 miles recovery; 8 x strides
Wed: 3 miles easy, weights/circuit
Thurs: 3 miles as you feel; 8 x strides
Fri: 2 miles easy; weights/circuit
Sat: 6 miles long run, steady, continuous pace
Sun: Rest
Total mileage: 21
Week 3:
Mon: 4 miles as you feel; 8 x strides
Tues: 3 miles recovery; weights/circuit
Wed: 5 miles hilly run; 8 x strides
Thurs: 3 miles recovery; weights/circuit
Fri: 3 miles easy; 6 x strides
Sat: 6 miles long run, steady, continuous
Sun: Rest
Total mileage: 24
Week 4-6: Add 3-4 miles per week, begin to include more hills and up-tempo (intervals faster that regular pace) style running.
High mileage:
Week 1:
Mon: 4 miles as you feel; 6 x strides
Tues: 3 miles recovery; weights/circuit
Wed: 4 miles as you feel; 6 x strides
Thurs: 3 miles recovery; weights/circuit
Fri: 3 miles easy; 6 x strides
Sat: 6 miles long run, steady, continuous
Sun: Rest
Total mileage: 23
Week 2:
Mon: 5 miles as you feel; 8 x strides
Tues: 3 miles recovery; weights/circuit
Wed: 4 miles hilly run; 6 x strides
Thurs: 4 miles recovery; weights/circuit
Fri: 3 miles easy; 8 x strides
Sat: 7 miles long run, steady, continuous
Sun: Rest
Total mileage: 26
Week 3:
Mon: 4 miles as you feel; 8 x strides
Tues: 5 miles recovery; 6 x strides
Wed: 4 miles; weights/circuit
Thurs: 6 miles as you feel, hilly run
Fri: 3 miles easy; weights/circuit
Sat: 8 miles long run, steady, continuous
Sun: Rest
Total mileage: 30
Week 4-6:
Add 5-7 miles per week, begin to include more hills and up-tempo (intervals faster that regular pace) style running.
Circuit Training Programs:
Hip Circuit:
BRIDGE - lie on back, thrust hips up
LEG RAISE - lie on back, bend one knee, other leg dorsi-flexed, lift up & down. Alternate legs
HIP EXTENSION - Lie face down, lift one leg & tighten butt
HIP ABDUCTION - Lie on side arm extended on floor, straight - lift leg up (inner thigh)
STANDING HIP ABDUCTION - place left hand on table/chair, right hand on hip, left leg planted, lift right leg out to side
HIP FLEXION - remain at table/chair, lift leg farthest from table/chair to 90 degrees, bend knee
STANDING LUNGE - alternate sides
SINGLE LEG BRIDGE - lie on back, have one leg extended straight
Circuit Program that can be done on football field, run from endzone to endzone and do 10-15 reps of the following (choose 8-12 exercises):
HIP CIRCUIT - on all four, lift one leg to side, extend back and circle back around. ALTERNATE LEGS
LYING LEG RAISES - on back, arms straight out, lift leg up to side and over body (circles). ALTERNATE LEGS
SUPERMAN - on stomach, lift arms and legs at the same time
SIDE LUNGE WALKS - stay low, lean to side
INVERTED "T"- reach for toe with opposite hand while bending at 90 degrees to be parallel to ground, lift back leg parallel to ground
SIDE PLANK OVER LINE - walk over line, push up, repeat on other side
TRICEP DIPS - on bench, face outward, bend knees slightly, let butt drop to ground and lift back up using triceps.
SIDE CLAMS - (hips and glutes) - on side, knee & toe to sky, open leg and shut. ALTERNATE SIDES
BIRD DOGS ON HANDS & KNEES - superman, opp. hand and leg reach out, hold for 3 count
SUITCASES - on back/butt, supercrunches, bring chest to knees at same time
MOUNTAIN CLIMBERS - toes close to hands/knees/keep hips low/knees to chest